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Personalize your business flow using the workflow settings

Each business process is different, in order to accommodate this, we have created the Workflow settings.
These settings allow you to personalize your flow to meet your business requirements. Use the guide below to gain the most benefit from them.

Depending on the configuration of your system not all of these workflow settings are applicable.


  1. Navigate towards Configuration / Business / Workflow settings

  2. See Workflow settings for more information about the structure of this page

  3. Configure any setting you want using the definitions below


Under the section classification, you can select a fixed document type per company or supplier.

  • Auto: the system will determine the document type based on captured data. In case one or multiple PO numbers are found the system will label the document as a PO invoice. In all other cases, the document will be labeled as a GE invoice or CT when linked to contract data

  • PO: Purchase Order invoice

  • GE: General Expense invoice

  • CT: Contract invoice


Under the section validation, an overview is given of all the validations that can be set up inside the platform.

The following validation rules can be set up inside the platform:

Buyer VAT number required

When enabled, Routty requires a buyer IBAN number to be mentioned on the invoice. If it is not, this validation task will fail. This does not disable the validation task itself, however! The task will always run, regardless of this setting. When disabled, this validation will still run and will only trigger a warning in the audit trail, but will not block the invoice in Routty.

Supplier VAT number required

When enabled, Routty requires a supplier VAT number to be mentioned on the invoice. If it is not, this validation task will fail. This does not disable the validation task itself. The task will always run, regardless of this setting. When disabled, this validation will still run and will only trigger a warning in the audit trail, but will not block the invoice in Routty.

Validate VAT number with VIES

Every VAT number is checked with the online database of the European Commission. After activating this setting it will run for every new invoice that enters Routty.

Validate supplier IBAN

When enabled, Routty will validate the bank account on the invoice against the supplier masterdata. If invalid, the invoice will be blocked.

Supplier IBAN required

When enabled, Routty requires a supplier IBAN number to be mentioned on the invoice. If it is not, this validation task will fail. The task will always run, regardless of this setting. When disabled, this validation will still run and will only trigger a warning in the audit trail, but will not block the invoice in Routty.

Document date threshold

When set to anything other than zero, this will determine at which day in the future an invoice will be considered postdated (counting from the invoice date) and the date validation task will fail. This does not disable the validation task itself. The date check will always run, regardless of this setting. This setting can be turned off when set to zero.

Document expiration threshold

When set to anything other than zero, this will determine at which day in the past an invoice will be considered expired (counting from the current date) and the date validation task will fail. This does not disable the validation task itself. The date check will always run, regardless of this setting. This setting can be turned off when set to zero.

Validate document date and gross amount

When enabled, Routty not only checks for duplicates based on the reference of the document but also based on a combination of the date and gross amount.

The duplicate check will always run, regardless of this setting. I.e. invoices with the same reference (similar invoice numbers) will always result in a blocking validation error in Routty, unless programmatically overridden.

Cross-company duplicate check

When enabled, Routty will look for duplicates across all companies in the archive. If not, only invoices from the same company will be checked against.

PO number pattern

This setting will take any regular expression to match against the PO number(s) mentioned on an invoice. If there’s no match, the invoice will be blocked.

Example: ^PO\d{1,3}$ will match PO123 and PO1, but not P0123 or ABC

PO number filter

This setting will take a regular expression substitution string to transform the PO number(s) mentioned on an invoice, when they match the pattern of the previous setting. It is used to add or remove characters.

Example: ORD$0 will prefix all PO numbers with ORD

Validate order reference(s)

When enabled, Routty will validate the PO number(s) on the invoice against the PO data present in the database

Validate receipt reference(s)

When enabled, Routty will validate the GR number(s) on the invoice against the GR data present in the database

Cross-company PO check

If enabled, Routty will perform a check on the PO number across all purchase orders of all companies. If not, only purchase orders from the same company will be checked against.

VAT on journal line required

When enabled, Routty will verify whether the sum of the VAT amounts on the coding lines is equal to the total VAT amount on the invoice. Otherwise, the validation task will fail.

Period threshold DEPRECATED

When set to anything other than zero, this will determine until which day of the month an invoice will be posted to the previous period. Any invoice after this day will be posted to the current period. E.G. when set to 15, an invoice dated February 10 will be posted in January, while an invoice dated February 15 will be posted in February.

Date to period DEPRECATED

Depending on this setting, either the document date, receipt date or the current date will be taken as the default tax point date (= tax period in general).

Period end of month DEPRECATED

When enabled, Routty will set the tax point date (=posting period) to the last day of the month.

Sticky period DEPRECATED

When enabled, invoices that are dated in the current month and posted to the period of that month, regardless of the period threshold above.

Default currency

Sets the default currency, if not mentioned on the invoice.

Validate payment reference

When enabled, the payment reference validation task is enabled, and Routty will validate the (payment) reference on the invoice. Currently, the following algorithms are supported: Mod97 (e.g. structured references on Belgian bank transfers, or OGM), ISO11649 (credit references), KID, FIK and ERN

Payment reference structure

Sets the expected payment reference structure, used when validating the (payment) reference on the invoice. Currently, the following algorithms are supported: Mod97 (e.g. structured references on Belgian bank transfers, or OGM), ISO11649 (credit references), KID, FIK and ERN

Deduce structure from IBAN

When enabled, Routty will try to automatically deduce the payment reference structure from the IBAN, overriding the Payment reference structure setting.

Absolute Rounding Error

By default, checks against amounts will fail to validate if the difference is more than absolute zero. This setting is used to set an absolute tolerance.

VAT on line item required

When enabled, Routty will verify whether the sum of the VAT amounts on the invoice lines is equal to the total VAT amount on the invoice. Otherwise, the validation task will fail.

Default Entry Number

For ERP-systems that require this, a default value for the journal entry number will be sent with the accounting document.


Under the section Matching, an overview is given of all the matching configurations that can be set up inside the platform.
The following matching rules can be set up inside the platform:

Matching logic

Configuration on how the matching is executed standard the following matching principles are available: two-way matching and three-way matching.

Header matching logic

Configuration on how and whether a header match needs to be executed. The following options are available: header match only, header and line items are matched or only line items are matched.

Absolute matching tolerance

Specification in absolute numbers on how much a matched invoice line can differ with the linked purchase order line.

Relative matching tolerance

Specification on basis of percentage how mutch the amount of a matched invoice line can differ with the linked purchase order line.

Absolute matching tolerance quantities

Specifications on how much difference is allowed for the quantity of a matched invoice line and a linked purchase order line.

Material Po’s

Configuration to specify if the invoice line will need to be matched with a purchase order line based on the article number.

Ignore empty lines

If indicated empty lines will be ignored of invoice and purchase order lines.

Track state

Setting to indicate if the history of the matching in Routty will need to be taken into account. Routty will store the history in order to prevent that invoice lines can be matched again if the linked purchase order is not updated.


The accounting sections provide the possibility to specify the configuration of the booking proposal in Routty.

VAT on line item required

Setting to indicate if vat on line item is mandatory.

Calculate VAT

Configuration to indicate if VAT amounts on line item level should be calculated on basis of stored VAT codes.

Deduct cash discount

If indicated discount will be taken into account when calculating the VAT amount on header level.

Default VAT system

Default VAT system for the supplier and buyer combination.

Default G/L account

Default G/L account for the supplier and buyer combination.

Default VAT code

Default VAT code for the supplier and buyer combination.

Default cost center

Default cost center for the supplier and buyer combination.

Default dimension 1

Default dimension 1 for the supplier and buyer combination.

Default dimension 2

Default dimension 2 for the supplier and buyer combination.

Default dimension 3

Default dimension 3 for the supplier and buyer combination.

Default dimension 4

Default dimension 4 for the supplier and buyer combination.

Default dimension 5

Default dimension 5 for the supplier and buyer combination.

Default dimension 6

Default dimension 6 for the supplier and buyer combination.

Default dimension 7

Default dimension 7 for the supplier and buyer combination.

Default dimension 8

Default dimension 8 for the supplier and buyer combination.

Merge journal lines

Merge journal lines if the linked analytical (GL accounts and Cost Center) data is the same.

  • Off: No journal lines will be merged

  • Non-PO: Only the unplanned costs (costs mentioned on the invoice header for which journal lines are generated) will be merged

  • All: All journal lines will be merged, the lines generated for the invoice lines and lines generated from header mentioned costs

In combination with the automation rules, the workflow settings for accounting form the basis to generate automated booking proposals.

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