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API key authentication

How can a system authenticate on the Routty API.

  1. You will be provided an API key by your Routty implementation partner

  2. Use this API key in the http requests to the Routty API.

How to use this API key in the http requests to the Routty API.

In order to authenticate on the Routty API, the created API key of the step above needs to be added to the header of the http request.


curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://YOUR_ROUTTY_ENVIRONMENT/routtyapi/api/Parties/GetPartiesUpdatedAfterTimestamp?dateTime=2022-09-05&pageNumber=1&pageSize=1' \
  -H 'accept: text/plain' \
  -H 'ApiKey: ROU.168u6gnl.Yo1+iv1F2KqqA7zfxofRqFAsYbNc0/tBT3V3J374aCCwMvDCXViAP49YyU8meYFogVCRPYmWcS1F/7T/ATXmQ8SnnloVQYPWTVSPmtB1Izmm5idVExjm7+neAE/0knfNLSoncg=='

Good to know

The generated API keys stay valid forever or until it is manually refreshed or revoked.

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