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Starting a new conversation

On each document, a conversation can be started with one or more users. This allows you to ask questions to other users or user groups in the platform. The conversation will always remain linked to the document itself.

A conversation can be started in any of the ‘documents’ screens and the monitoring screen.


  1. To start a conversation on a document select the desired document in any of the supported screens and click on the button START CONVERSATION

    • The screens that currently support this functionality are Monitoring and any of the Documents screens

  2. Select users and groups to contact

  3. Press the x icon if an email address needs to be removed

  4. Enter a message and press the SEND button, a conversation will be created on the specific document with the selected users or/and groups

  5. After sending the message it will be visible in the CONVERSATIONS tab of that document

    1. If the recipient of the message has enabled his/her e-mail notifications in the Settings, they will also receive an e-mail notifying them of your message.

  6. To see the full conversation on a document click on the conversation to be redirected to your inbox. From here you can reply on the conversation.

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