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Release 20.04

Routty version 20.04 has been released on and contains the following improvements:

New Features

  • Filter on multiple keywords instead of just one, using checkboxes

  • Improved the layout and options of editable tables in Routty to be in line with non-editable tables.
    It is now possible to use the Routty filters everywhere

  • A list of previously used email addresses is now provided when requesting a credit note

  • Extended our API to receive feedback from external systems on an accounting document

  • Completely reworked the ‘user groups’ interface

  • Request a credit note to multiple email addresses at the same time


  • Adjusted empty error messages

  • Wrong input fields did not receive the correct formatting

  • Company numbers and vat numbers were switched in the visualization of the archive

  • Notification bubbles did not have the same layout everywhere

  • Archived documents did not export correctly

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