Automation rules
This page allows users to create, edit and delete automation rules. Automation rules allow users to change the (meta)data of documents, helps generate a more complex journal entry and allows alerts to be triggered when a document or journal entry doesn’t meet a specific set of criteria.
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Table view where all automation rules are described
Part of the detail view of a rule, the GENERAL INFO section contains basic info regarding the selected rule
NAME Human readable used to identify a specific rule
Supports alphanumeric characters and spaces.PROCESS NAME Business process to which the rule applies
The list of available processes depends on the installation.PRIORITY Set the priority of a rule
The priority that is selected will determine the rule that will be followed first when different rules overlap, lower values have a higher priority. Rules of the same priority are ordered and run by partner party, and then by company party. Meaning that more specific rules will have a higher priority than generic rules.COMPANY NAME Set the company for which a rule applies
Leaving the field empty means that the rule will apply to all companies.PARTNER NAME Set the partner for which a rule applies
Leaving the field empty means that the rule will apply to all partners.TRIGGER Set the trigger of a rule
Rules will be run at specific points during the workflow. The following triggers are available to choose from :Transformation: These rules are used to change the (meta)data of documents.
Validation: These rules allow you to alert when a document doesn’t meet a specific set of criteria.
Accounting: These rules help generate a more complex journal entry.
Accounting validation: These rules alert you when a journal entry doesn’t meet a specific set of criteria.
Part of the detail view of a rule, the RULES section allows a user to add specific conditions to a rule
FIELD Select the field on a document for which the condition applies
CONDITION Select the operator used to compare the selected field and actual value
The following operands are available to choose from :is
is not
greater than
greater than or equals
less than
less than or equals
starts with
VALUE Set the actual value to check against
These checks are not cumulative, meaning that a rule that checks a journal line field will apply to each line of the journal entry separately. Multiple conditions can be set up this way, actions of a rule will only be executed once all conditions are met.
Part of the detail view of a rule, the ACTIONS section allows a user to select the actions that need to be executed on a document
FUNCTION Select the action that needs to be executed. The following actions are available to choose from :
Set: Assigns a value to a document (meta)data field. The first parameter is the field to set, the second the value to assign.
SetIfEmpty: Assigns a value to a document (meta)data field, but if and only if the field is empty. The first parameter is the field to set, the second the value to assign.
AddAudit: Add an entry to the audit log. This action takes four parameters: the type/title (e.g. “Validation error”, the action verb (e.g. “Update”), the context (e.g. “Supplier party”), and the message itself (e.g. “The supplier site code is required but missing.”).
UpdateTask: Update a validation task with the given code. This action takes four parameters: the code of the validation task (e.g. “PIPO”), the status (0 = Pending, 1 = Complete, 2 = Failed, 3 = Resolved), the error code in case the task failed (e.g. “PIPOINV”), and an optional set of parameters (e.g. PO number).
UpdateSubtask: Update a validation subtask with the given code. This action takes five parameters: the code of the validation task (e.g. “PISP”), the code of the validation subtask (e.g. “PISPSTAT“), the status (0 = Pending, 1 = Complete, 2 = Failed, 3 = Resolved), the error code in case the task failed (e.g. “PISPBLCK”), and an optional set of parameters.
Flag: Flag a document for further follow-up.
Unflag: Unflag a document.