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This page contains an overview of all messages you have sent and received through the Routty platform.

On the left side, an overview of all conversations is presented. It is possible to:

  • open a conversation (and display all messages in this conversation on the right) (1)

  • flag a conversation (when deemed an important one, or one that needs extra follow-up) (2)

  • archive a conversation (when you no longer need to see the conversation) (3)

  • change the read/unread status of a conversation (4)

  • filter in conversations (5) This filter will search for a word in a conversation, only show unread e-mails or will only show flagged conversations
    These functionalities are further discussed in Consult your inbox.

On the right side, an overview of all messages within a conversation is shown with the following options:

  • go straight to your document, wherever it may be in the flow (7)

  • open a pdf viewer for the document (8)

  • invite new users to participate in this conversation (9)

  • hover over a message to see the timestamp when this message was sent/received (10)

  • type in a new message (11)

  • send the message (12)

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